Marianne - far far away

Monday, March 19, 2007

My Blog!

Here is where I share my point of view! Things that are happening in my life, thoughts that are running through my mind, songs that keeps repeating in my head, ideas that keeps me awake at night, and my material wishlists in form of fashion and interial design!
Enjoy and comment!
To be continued!


  • Hey Marianne! though i dont really know you, i thought i would write u anyways:) you see im really considering attending newbold next year and hear that you are there at the moment...and i just thought i might be able to get some inside scoob from u about the school since u are there =) anyways just wanted to see if i could even get ahold of you - i would love to hear from you - my email is:

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 02:17  

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